scarf - homemade / jean jacket - LOFT, thrifted / purse - Athens tourist shop / bracelets - vintage, gifts / dress - UO / tights - Target / boots - DV by Dolce Vita
It's hard to believe these photos were only taken a month ago, it feels like in no time at all we've gone from perfect fall weather to real winter. I remember being so in love with this outfit that I refused to take off my chunky scarf, even though I was way too hot!
A lot's been going on here over the last few weeks - we're still working away on making our apartment feel like home (it's coming together.... slowly), made restorative visits to family over the holidays, and even hosted a little get-together on New Year's Eve. I've also changed jobs, and am now working on a competition for an office I've admired for years. It's really exciting and I absolutely love the work, but the 50 hour work weeks (which are now creeping up past 60 as our deadline approaches) have certainly put a damper on my plans to get back to blogging regularly. Still, I'm hopeful that once the competition is over in a week or so that I'll be able to settle in to a more reasonable schedule.
While I was off eating Christmas cookies and tamales (we always have Mexican food on Christmas Eve, family tradition) in Virginia, this little blog turned a year old. I know, *technically* if you go through my archives you'll find posts from as far back as April of 2009 (I really don't recommend you bother reading that far back), but it took quite a while for me to decide just what I wanted to do with this blog, and for me the other emily was really born in its current form with this post.
So much has happened in the last year, from the living fantasy of The Trip to reuniting with our big yellow dog, moving to New York and seeing some great friends get married (we built them a huppah!) and have adorable babies, to now feeling newly energized and focused in my professional life - and blogging through it all. Over the next year, I hope my blog keeps evolving (up next - a long-overdue redesign!) but that writing it remains every bit as fun and rewarding as it has been so far. There is simply no non-cheesy way to say it, so here goes: Thank you - for your comments, emails, and just plain reading. Over the last year, the other emily has enabled some amazing new friendships (both in real life and in blog life) and has introduced me to such an incredible community of smart and deeply funny women. I never expected my blog to grow the way that it has, and it means so much to me that you enjoy it. Thank you all so, so much.