
A glimpse into my ever-expanding style blogroll:

a pair and a spare
barefoot & vintage
blue collar catwalk
chromat process
clyde's rebirth
dash dot dotty
everybody everywear
fancy treehouse
haiku ambulance
jen loves kev
kansas couture
kendi everyday
mammal & lamb
megan nielsen design diary
my closet in sketches
my edit
narrowly tailored
off of broadway
orchid grey
second skin
style rookie
the daybook
this time tomorrow
une vie géniale
wear color
what would a nerd wear

Blogs I love about food, music, illustration, design, and everything that comes after putting on clothes for the day:

alex latimer (art/illustration)
allison sommers (art/illustration)
apartment therapy (design/interiors)
bldgblog (design/architecture)
the brick house (design/interiors)
door sixteen (design/interiors)
honestly wtf (fashion/art/diy)
jason sho green (art/illustration)
manhattan nest (design/interiors/diy)
miss moss (art/fashion/design)
one hungry chef (food)
pruned (design/landscape)
rad dudes (self explanatory)
smitten kitchen (food)
solo (illustration)
things organized neatly (self explanatory)
too much happiness (music)
where the lovely things are (art/fashion/design)