Remix items: chambray shirt - thrifted Banana Republic / navy skirt - Gap / flats - Urban Outfitters
Spices: necklace - Urban Outfitters (clearance!) / belt - thrifted / polish - Revlon in Minted
I loved this outfit when I wore it, but looking back at the photos I'm afraid the tucked-in button-down just does boxy things to my shape. I'm preposterously short-waisted, so I feel like this is something I have to watch out for with blousier shirts. It's easy for me to just end up looking like a head sitting on boobs sitting on hips with no breaks in between. This is why I am (clearly) enamored of a good belt and a high-waisted skirt.
This outfit pretty much came together as a vehicle for the shoes and the new polish. I didn't want my clothes to compete too much with the insane traffic-cone brightness of the flats, so I figured denim and navy could behave like neutrals and let the brights stand on their own. These shoes definitely got me a lot of attention, and the adjectives others used to describe them ranged from "cool" to "distracting." I agree with both, although I certainly mean the latter in a good way. Every time I walked somewhere that day I'd smile and look down whenever I caught a glimpse of my neon feet, and I had no fear of being run down by a rogue cabbie.
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