July 22, 2011


Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin: 16 Juli
Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin: 16 Juli
turquoise & yellow
Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin: 16 Juli
yellow, cognac, black & gold
Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin: 16 Juli
Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin: 16 Juli
necklace - Forever 21 / silk top - Mango / belt - thrifted / skirt - homemade / ring - Amsterdam shop / sandals - Target, thrifted

Today I had that greatest of all blogger misfortunes, worse than Flickr pervs, worse than Blogger blackouts, worse even than leaving your (boyfriend's) camera's memory card in a state 400 miles away - I had a good hair day and a cute outfit, and I didn't get to take pictures. While my stateside friends and family are sweating it out in an epic heatwave, I am stuck indoors with a few days of cold, steady rain. There isn't much of a spot in our teeny apartment suitable for taking photos, so I brushed off a set of old ones from nearly a week ago that never made it on the blog. I believe outfit pictures are still good for at least a week beyond their sell-by date, but please forgive me if these are a little moldy around the edges.