July 19, 2011

too cool

sunglasses - thrifted / necklace - vintage, great-grandmother's / tote - Forever 21 / chambray shirt - Banana Republic, thrifted / dress - UO / belt - vintage, thrifted / ring - Amsterdam shop / watch - Arkanoplatz flea market, Berlin / woven flats - UO

We're staying in (I think) a pretty hipster-y area of Berlin, and I spend a good deal of time on the U-Bahn observing the impossibly cool girls of the city. These are girls with inscrutable tattoos and long hair that's completely buzzed on one side, and nearly every single one of them is sporting just the most perfect-fitting, perfectly worn-in jean jacket you've ever seen. I will probably never look anywhere near as cool as these Berlin girls (let's be honest, I dress up to visit buildings - 'cool' I am not), but I did decide to borrow their jean-jacket style with this chambray shirt for a late-afternoon picnic in Treptower Park. I think I'll definitely be wearing this shirt as a jacket more often from here on out; I loved the extra dimension it gave to an otherwise simple outfit, and the extra coverage it gave to a dress that can sometimes feel a bit like the express train to Boob City - although given that I was the only girl in the park who hadn't stripped down to her bikini or bra (or, ahem, gone bare - those Germans!), perhaps I needn't have worried too much about modesty.