July 18, 2011


earrings - Anthropologie / pink striped sweater - H&M / purse - Athens tourist shop / braided belt - vintage, thrifted / shorts - Target / geode ring - H&M / gold filigree ring - Amsterdam shop / woven flats - UO

This outfit was inspired by an email I got from a reader. And by inspired, I mean copied in absolutely every detail. That's what 'inspiration' means, right?

You see, about a month ago I got an email from a very sweet reader from Iceland* named Gyða - she had just come back from a recent vacation in France, where she'd picked up this same pink striped sweater from H&M and, remembering this post of mine, worn it on a visit to Versailles.

Seriously, how cute is this girl?

She was even sweet enough to have a friend snap some photos of her there and send them to me (and to let me share them with you guys - thanks again, Gyða!). I was so flattered by her thoughtful note, and I just loved the casual way she styled her sweater with cutoffs and a braided belt, so I decided to recreate it with similar pieces from my suitcase! Sometimes it's nice not to have to even think about what to wear in the morning, and this outfit was just perfect for a sunny afternoon spent sightseeing around the Bundestag and strolling the entirety of Tiergarten.

*Which is incidentally still the coolest place I have ever been in my life, hands down.